Different expressions of Mexican Art specially selected
Pieces created with ancestral and traditional techniques. All of them unique, author signed and original, imported from Mexico and made available to lovers of art and decoration.

MagicMex Barcelona in Flash Magazine
However, there are other more spectacular pieces that drift away from the dominant folklore, which surprise us very positively when we get to know them. And that was precisely Martha Cea’s intention: to change the idea of Mexican popular art through the pieces that she imports, exhibits and sells at MagicMex.”
Judith – flash magazine

New additions to the MagicMex catalog
Our art

Blown glass and tempered glass
The blown glass technique dates back to the beginning of our era and is known in all latitudes. In Mexico, Jalisco is home to some of the most notable blown glass factories and workshops. There, experienced artists create the pieces by blowing air through a reed causing a kind of bubbles that, duly modeled with very basic tools, become different utensils, such as glasses, cups or jugs, or eye-catching decorative plates, all impressive thanks to the universe of colors and shapes that are handled.
Alebrijes are magical daydreams coated in color and fantasy and are traditionally shown as the fusion of several animals into one when they don’t consist of completely invented creatures. But, beyond these exquisite extravagances, alebrijes can be considered as a particular and inimitable way of reflecting the animal world. It is rarely so obvious that a work of art is unique. Although papier-mâché can be used for its elaboration, those executed in wood are particularly valued, as are the majority of those we have at Magicmex.
They work in copal wood, especially suitable for carving, so that the artist transforms the trunk of the tree into a figure whose surface will become smooth and uniform by applying sand. It will take weeks of work to go through different stages of each piece, such as drying, baking, sanding, coining, curing and sealing. Then, it is decorated by applying multiple colors in the most varied fretwork.

Huichol art
The Huicholes use their artistic creations to evoke their stories and their myths, rituals and beliefs, imbued with mysticism and tradition. Religious motifs, elements of nature and their culture, and even allusions to peyote, are part of the imagery that is reflected in the works of Huichol art focused on visual narrative.
Among these works stand out those that result from the use of chaquiras, tiny glass beads or multi-colored beads with which all kinds of figures are endowed with vitality and magic: whales, turtles, iguanas, deer, horses, etc.
Black clay
In certain areas of the state of Oaxaca we find the cradle of black clay figures, an ancient pottery technique whose creation process is much more complex than anyone could imagine, as is the case with all the artistic techniques that Mexico offers the world.
To achieve quality clay, it is necessary to rid the soil of impurities through periods of soaking and sedimentation, so that the figure will then be kneaded and shaped, and then dried in the sun for several days, always avoiding the formation of stains.

Glazed pottery
Ancestral techniques, tradition and design.
Master artisans from Michoacán who for generations have found their livelihood in glazed pottery, but who also project a little of their culture to the world through this activity, embodying their talent and creativity in each piece through striking decorative works.
Like other expressions of Mexican folk art that you will find at Magicmex, the pineapples and glazed clay chandeliers made manually with traditional techniques project modernity, which makes them protagonists of sophisticated spaces, providing a unique touch in a contemporary atmosphere.
Visit our store in Barcelona
París Street, 200, 08008, Barcelona, Spain.